Meet The Girls!








Alyna- Our Fearless DM


Alyna - Loves all things nerdy/geeky. She has been playing D&D since she was about 14 years old with her brothers, playing 1st edition and soon after all the other editions. It wasn't until Curse of Strahd came out though that she tried her hand at DM'ing and she absolutely fell in love with it. She has been in many a campaign and has DM'ed a few and is now excited to try her hand at writing her own campaign and going on this epic adventure with her friends. Alyna also loves to play MTG and board games and she roleplays in other places as well and really just loves being creative and having fun with her friends.











Priscilla - Is a Super nerd/geek on so many fronts! Married to a DM, interestingly enough Priscilla didn't really start playing D&D until she met Alyna and was convinced to give it a try. Her first campaign was the Curse of Strahd and it was all downhill from there. Since then it has been about 8 years and she has had regular games she's played in. Because her husband is also so into it, her 2 boys are as well. She lives a very nerdy/geeky life all around and loves it!








AKA Lynn is definitely part of the nerding community. From Marvel, to HP, to D&D, she is a lover of it all. D&D became more of an in depth love for her during 2020 when the pandemic struck, and she has slowly become more acclimated to play and is absolutely loving it. So when the idea of the podcast was formed, she was all over it like green slime on an unwilling victim!







My name is Isabelle and I am 20 years old! I have a year old husky and a baby ackie monitor. I'm currently pretty new to DnD, I just started playing last year, however, I have grown up surrounded by DnD as my parents would play every Wednesday with their group. I’m studying to become an art teacher so I’m going to school full time. I enjoy digital art and have done all of the artwork for this campaign's characters and the logos. Besides digital art, I enjoy all the different art mediums. My current favorites are sculpture and painting. Probably the most important thing to know about me is that I love dinosaurs and dragons and animals- in that order. :)








Is also a geek/nerd, whether it be finding the one ring or in a galaxy far far away, or hunting, you know the family business, and everything in between. She was on a short 15 year hiatus with D&D, and is so excited to start back up. When she isn't Adventuring she is probably crocheting. She does have a full time job, and is a Room Mom for her amazing 5th grader, so she’s busy but never too busy to roll for initiative.







Meet The Characters!










Mistress Moim

The Big Bad

(Played by Alyna, the DM)



Mistress Moim is the ruler of this terrible land called Kamelrott. As you can see from her portrait she is a very short, very stout, very ugly hag. She has bright pink hair that she keeps cut very short which sticks up with odd cowlicks everywhere. She normally wears a bright purple mumu with lime green flamingos on it which she wears a burnt orange crocheted top over. She wears knee high gray dirty socks, but one is always up while the other is scrunched down by her ankle and flip flops which keep falling off because of the socks. She almost always has something stuck in her teeth and her breath is putrid because of it. She has dry mouth and that white stringy stuff that gathers at the corners of your lips when you talk. 


Mistress Moim rejoices when people are sick and miserable. A crying baby driving you insane? Great! That's exactly what she wants. Can't find your keys and are late for work? Probably because she hid them from you so that you would freak out about being late to work. There is no rhyme nor reason to the way Mistress Moim does things and you never know when or why something is going to happen. As a result of this, when towns are built, buildings get discombobulated and the towns in this land are hard to navigate. For example, On Monday the Mayor's house might be right next to the Apothecary which is right next to the graveyard which sits just inside the gates to town. But that all might change on Friday, or whenever Mistress Moim gets bored. It causes confusion and chaos and it is just the way she likes it. 




Phrixus Stormhold

Stout Halfling, Paladin

(Played by Priscilla)



Phrixus Shorthold grew up in a little village with his family.  His parents and 3 younger siblings, all sisters, lived in a beautiful little cottage, surrounded by much land and beautiful vistas.  They all worked and played together, having a very grand time.  They were farmers, and would sell their product to those in their little village and those in passing.  Phrixus would play with his little sisters, protecting them from the dragons or pretending to go on an adventure somewhere far off and tell tails of the things he did.  They all had fun and played so well together.  Of course, there is always a little sibling rivalry, but he loved his sisters, and just wanted to make sure they were taken care of and had a wonderful childhood.   There were lots of folk heroes that came through and told their tales about helping in the wars and disturbances in the world, and he always dreamed of being able to learn to fight like them, and to be able to serve and protect, just like he played with his sisters.  One day, when he was about 12 or 13 years old, there was one such hero that came through his little village.  He was out with his siblings, doing some work in the yard and taking care of the animals and this hero came to him and asked if he would like to see the world?  He needed an apprentice, a valet type person and thought that Phrixus would be perfect for it.  Despite the fact that he was small in stature, he thought he could be great.  Phrixus, being so very excited to see his dream come true, decided to go with this hero and start training with him. 


He worked and followed this hero for many years.  He not only served as his valet, and his apprentice, but spent much personal time a day working out and making himself stronger so that he could wield any weapon that was put in front of him, and do it with precision and proficiency.   He was made fun of for being smaller than other fighters or apprentices, even though he was on the taller side for his race, coming in at 3 feet, ¾ inches. (He was definitely proud of that ¾ inches, and it was a very big deal to him and he always made sure he added that when he told people his height. Because of this, he never told anyone his last name)  That just made him that more hungry for it, but still left it’s trace of trauma in his psyche. He learned the art of fighting, and also kept learning about all the dark things of the world, seeing so much devastation and grim circumstances everywhere he went.   Of all the evil that takes hold, and how it affects the good men trying to fight it.  Some come up with all their light and goodness and fight against the darkness, while others grow hopeless and succumb to it.  When he came of age he wanted to find a way to help, to be more in the middle of it to help these men to stay steady, so he decided to join the military for a while and help his brothers in arms.  While he was there he saw much death and destruction, and he fought hard to preserve what beauty and love there is in the world.  He learned to speak abyssal while in the army, as it helped them to get through enemy lines and he is always looking for ways to learn and be better at what he does.  He knew that it needed a little light, as he had for a long time, and he started looking for what brought light into the world, what could bring his light out of him so he could help others.  Otherwise he would drown in the darkness and succumb, like so many good men he watched and served with.   


Stopping at a larger city inside of Kamelrott called Lowgyr, he decided to go where he thought light would naturally be, inside one of the temples.  It was a temple of Zeus, with beautiful tall columns, and relaxing fountains, the beautiful gardens where one could go and ponder and search oneself, a very peaceful place to be.  He saw all that was good in there, and talked to a cleric inside that temple.  After some careful research and soul searching he decided that he needed to dedicate himself to Zeus, the God of lightning.  Lightning is such a powerful element; it gives off such light and power in the darkness, and somehow that spoke to his soul.  Maybe, he could be that light in the darkness to other souls, and help them to find something better in their life.  He left the army, feeling that the decade or so he spent there helped prepare him to get to this point in his life.  He decided to stay in this city and worship and help the people here.  He went to the temple to worship everyday, and to communicate with his deity.  Seeing that he was so dedicated, Zeus taught him to speak Primordial, so that he could communicate in a more pure way to the Gods.   He went about his days, going through the town, meeting the people and becoming their friend and guardian.  He became something of a protector for them, and they came to him with any issues that arose, and Phrixus Stormhold (because he wasn’t going to tell them his REAL last name) did his part to help, serve, and protect.  However, Mistress Moim was still rolling through the country, wreaking havoc and evil on all the people she came in contact with.  


One day Phrixus was out helping someone fix his vegetable cart, and there were a group of men, guards in Mistress Moim’s army, that came into the town.  They were just walking around the town, using her curse’s to upset and ruin the people.  Phrixus wasn’t going to stand for that, so he stood up to them and fought.  And though he was able to take them down, it wasn’t without its consequences.  One of the curse potions got him, and that day was the end of playing Mr Nice Guy.  

He was shrinking!!!!  That couldn’t be right, this just couldn’t be happening to him.  He decided to get up every day and measure himself.  This way he could see how fast he was shrinking.  He went down ¼ inch.  (He’s pretty sure at least).  He told his best friends, Markos and Sfyr about this.  He’s trying to fight it ever since.  It seems like it was only the one time that he shrunk, but he measures anyway, just to be sure. 


Things were getting more dark and more desperate as Mistress Moim, one of the dark evil’s of the world he’d been fighting for years now, was taking more control, and things were starting to escalate.  She is a hag, He knew something needed to be done, and he was getting really sick of watching all the people in this city that he loved and served be tortured more and more every day.  So, he decided he was going to do something about it.





Wizzla Fo’Shizza

Gnome, Bard

(Played by Lynn)



Wizzla is a forest gnome.  She comes from a smaller village in this world that isn’t posted on the map, given the villagers there like to keep to themselves. 


Wizzla, unlike her shy community, has always been incredibly social and loves everyone.  Though this is an amazing trait, she also tends to get carried away in her socializing.  Bridging strange characters home to visit.  Sometimes Elves and humans, other times were-bears, and other unknown but dangerous creatures. 


She is loved by her community, but the cost of keeping Wizzla became too great for them.  So the elders had a meeting and decided to have Wizzla seek an adventure outside of the forest.  To grow, develop, and hopefully understand the dangers of befriending certain creatures.  


Wizzla, excited to be journeying, took on the quest she was given.  To share Boondoggles, sing songs, and change the world.  A very general mission that was sure to keep her busy for a long while.





Bilee the Goat

Tabaxi, Ranger

(Played by Isabelle)



Bilee the Goat comes from the mountains where she and her clan lived a very primitive lifestyle. She got her name from her agility and poise when climbing the rocks and cliffs in her home. She lived a secluded life before Mistress Moim’s curse plagued the land. The sunshine that Bilee had enjoyed so much was taken away and her mountain home was in danger. She wouldn’t tolerate that. She left her home to bring back the sun and to protect her mountain range. She works hard so she can relax hard, if she's not protecting her land or hunting then she's laying in a patch of warm sunshine without a care in the world. She’s curious and easily distracted by the tiniest of movements. She is indifferent towards strangers and will act indifferent about her friends but deep down she couldn’t live without them. Bilee is quite prideful and stubborn. She hates loud noises, being dirty, and wearing hats. She's terrified of snakes and any object that might appear behind her that looks like a snake…. 





Hobwryn Wayward

Half Elf, Rogue

(Played by Danielle)



Hobwryn lived in a town called Westerviolet with her mother. Her father left long ago. Her and her mother were farmers, and every Saturday had a cart full of Fruits and Veggies. Her mother was an adventurer from before. Hobbie came home from the field and realized her mother wasn't home. She went into the town to find her. Seeing her mother talking with a guard, she stayed back in the shadows. The guard was saying something about it's time to go, that her mother was done playing farmer, grabbing her mother they started to walk away. Hobwryn had to help her. She stepped out of the shadows and ran towards the group. The guard saw her coming, and threw a vial of purple goo, as it smashed into her, he said “Mistress Moim sends her regards…”


Fast forward to now, Hobwryn left her hometown, too many memories haunted her. She found a Dwarven Rogue named Olunt, who taught her everything he knew. He taught her that race doesn't matter, just the coin in your pocket and your heart beating in your chest. He also taught her how to crochet (the one legit way she gets coin) and how to keep her temper at bay… She learned the purple goo has cursed her. Now, everytime her anger got the better of her…or she was scared…her chest grew three sizes too big. It’s very hard to be a rogue when your chest knocks everything over. 


Olunt was very kind to her.  He took care of her, taught her how to control her anger (for the most part), and she uses this new skill, Crochet, as one of her only legitimate ways to earn money. But he had to leave her. Writing her a note, in Dwarven (a skill he also taught her), about her mother being alive, and that she needed to leave the city and figure out what all the fuss about Moim is about.